
  • Basketball Plays

BLOB Box Twist Basketball Play

Players start in a Box set, with 2 being the inbounder, 3 being a good…

  • Basketball Plays

Snake Pick n Roll/Gortat Screen Basketball Play

Player 5 sets a backscreen for Player 1, Player 1 does a snake dribble while…

  • Basketball Drills
  • Basketball Plays

Pick and Roll Basketball Drills/Plays Options for Big Man

Pick n Roll to the basket variation: Player 5 sets a back screen for Player…

  • Basketball Drills

Big Man Collaboration Basketball Drills with Guards

Player 5 will always throw the ball of the glass. After catching the ball we…

  • Basketball Plays

SLOB for 3-point shoot on the opposite side of the inbound Basketball Play

Player one goes to the corner, while 5 sets a high screen for 3. Player…

  • Basketball Plays

Flash Basketball Play

A quick and simple setup play, 1 is with the ball, 4 sets a ghost…

  • Basketball Plays

Girona(2022) BLOB Double Cross Basketball Play

Player 1 inbounds the ball and 4 and 5 set a double screen for 3.…

  • Basketball Coaches Network News

Zipper Ghost Screen

Player 1 dribbles the ball up to the wing. Player 5 sets a down screen…

  • Basketball Terminology

Basketball Terminology Ghost Screen

A ghost screen is a fake screen where the screener runs into open space after…

  • Basketball Plays

Partizan Double Side Basketball Play

                We start with Player 1 having the…