Player 1 swing pass to player 4 who passes to player 3. Player 1 after the pass cuts through the paint to the corner, and player 4 shallow cuts to the wing. Player 5 sets a screen for player 2 who gets open in the corner. Player 3 dribble drives to the basket. Player 3 can score or pass to player 2 in the corner, or pass to a rolling 5.
Author Profile
- I am an international basketball coach, working around the globe spreading the love of basketball one country at a time. So far I worked in Serbia, China, and Romania, working as a youth and senior coach, creating camps, working individually with players preparing them for senior teams or USA college, and trying to work my way to the top. Currently working on getting my FIBA coaching license, while I am in possession of a Serbian Blue Coaching License and a Romanian "A" Coaching license.
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