This drill is a way you can practice when you have too many kids and want to create a good energy and intensity. It’s an entery to a close out where you can have 10 players on the half court and have them work on different elements on defense and offense. The offense can work on specific situations while the defense on countering them from the close out. Under this you have the video and the explanation under it play by play.
We start of with the players in 2 lines. Defense under the basket behind the baseline, offense after the 3 point line. More towards the middle of the court but if you don’t have the space it works without it as well. Player X1(defense) passes the ball to Player 1 then procedess to close out. Player 1 then dribbles to the wing. X1 follows him
Player 2 comes in after Player 1 gets to the wing. Player 1 passes the ball to 2. X2 closes out.
Player 2 dribbles to the opposite wing. X2 follows. Player 3 goes to the top of the key.
Player 2 passes the ball to Player 3. X3 closes out. Player 3 dribbles to the opposite wing of the pass. Player 1 cuts to the corner. X1 follows his player.
Player 4 entes the top of the key. Player 3 passes and X4 closes out.
Player 4 dribbles to the opposite wing of the pass. Player 2 goes to the corner. X2 and X4 follow their players.
Player 5 enters the court at the top of the key. Player 4 passes the ball to Player 5. X5 closes out.
From this position you have many options. You want to work on help defense make the players drive and pass out. Want to work on certain screens do it. It’s all up to you where you go from here.
Author Profile
- I am an international basketball coach, working around the globe spreading the love of basketball one country at a time. So far I worked in Serbia, China, and Romania, working as a youth and senior coach, creating camps, working individually with players preparing them for senior teams or USA college, and trying to work my way to the top. Currently working on getting my FIBA coaching license, while I am in possession of a Serbian Blue Coaching License and a Romanian "A" Coaching license.
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