This is a list of basketball plays, cuts, movements, and other basketball-specific terminology in the English language. A list like this is constantly updated, and I do encourage if you have alternative names to comment on them as we want to build a database that helps globalize basketball even more. The links to all the terms are down below with a diagram or explanation of what they are.
Basketball Terminology
Basketball Court:
Half Court Terminology
Basketball Cuts:
- V-Cut
- L-Cut
- Basket Cut
- Shallow/Curl Cut
- Backdoor Cut
- Slip Cut
- Straight Cut
- Zipper Cut
- Shuffle Cut/Princton/Chin Cut
- Speed Cut/Scissor Cut
- Scissor/ High Post Split
- X Cut
- Dribble Handoff (DHO)
- Handback
- Loop Cut
- Pitch
- Brush
- Shallow Cut
- Kick
- Duck In
Basketball Screens:
- Screen Away
- Down Screen
- Back Screen
- Pindown
- Rip or Cross Screen
- Flare Screen
- Butt Screen
- Double Screen
- Stagger Screen
- Elevator Screen
- Tripple Screen
- Turnout Screen
- UCLA Screen
- Elevator Screen
- Ghost Screen
- Brush Screen
- Slip Screen
Basketball Actions:
- Ballscreen
- Angle Ballscreen
- Flat Ballscreen
- Slot Ballscreen
- Spread Ballscreen
- Lifted Ballscreen
- Trade (Roll & Replace)
- Slip Ballscreen
- Drag
- Double Drag
- Ram
- Screens
- Rip Screen
- Wide Pindown
- Down Screen
- Upscreen
- Double Stagger
- Double Tight
- Flare Screen
- Power (Cross Screen)
- Spain
- Utah
- Cuts
- Stunt
- Iverson Cut
- Shallow Cut
- Zipper Cut
- Stunt
- Exit
- Flex Cut
- DHO (Dribble/Mix)
- UCLA Cut
- Hawk Cut
- Slice/Shuffle
- Chicago (Pindown DHO)
- Floppy
- Horns
- Jungle
- Princeton (23 High)
- 1-4 High
- Low
- Box
- Spanish Pick n Roll
- Dallas Action
- Cross Screen
Basketball Alignments:
- Princeton / Chin
alignment - Horns or “A” alignment
- 4 corners Alignment
- 2-1-2 delay game
- 4 across alignment
- 1-2-2 alignment
- 1-3 alignment
- Diamond Alignment
- 3 out, 2 in (32)
- 4 out 1 in (41)
- 5 out alignment
- Dribble drive alignment
- Dribble Drive
- Double stack low
- Double stack high
- 1-4 High
- 1-4 low / Baseline
Defensive Terminology:
- Hedge & Plug
- Switch
- Show
- Hedge
- Double Team
- Zone 2-3
- Zone 3-2
- Zone 1-3-1
- Zone Box and 1