Basic Dribbling Full Court Drill – Basketball Dribbling Drill for Youth
This is a basketball drill that can be used for any age group, it can also be made shorter for the smallest ones so they don’t go out of breath when reaching the other hoop.
Each Player has a ball(if you don’t have balls for everyone just make them rebound and pass to the next one without the ball after the layup.
Players 1 and 3 start at the same time, dribbling with the hand that’s closer to the sideline (1-Left Hand, 3 – Right Hand).
The drill can start with kids using only one hand to move through the cones (only dribble with the left or right hand), then progressively get more difficult depending on your kid’s level.
Use crossover, between the legs, behind the back, and even rolling moves to increase the difficulty. Although this drill is more of a fastbreak situational drill so I recommend you don’t go slow.
Coaching Points:
- Keep the dribbling low
- Fast change of direction
- Keep your eyes on the basket
- Don’t travel when starting the dribbling
- Always be in a low thripple threat position when starting to dribble
Author Profile

- I am an international basketball coach, working around the globe spreading the love of basketball one country at a time. So far I worked in Serbia, China, and Romania, working as a youth and senior coach, creating camps, working individually with players preparing them for senior teams or USA college, and trying to work my way to the top. Currently working on getting my FIBA coaching license, while I am in possession of a Serbian Blue Coaching License and a Romanian "A" Coaching license.
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